Check out the information on this page for great resources to help you through your Junior year of high school. If you have any questions or if you need to talk to a counselor, send Mrs. Rains an email or come to the office to request a time to see her.
"TO DO" list for Juniors:
*Take the PSAT/NMSQT
Students who passed Geometry last year or before are encouraged to take the PSAT/NMSQT® in October. Get PSAT/NMSQT tips and a free practice.
*Explore your Career Interests
- Investigate career options.
- Learn about the fastest growing careers in the US and in our state.
*Start Your College Search
-Start with you: Make lists of your abilities, preferences, and personal
qualities. List things you may want to study and do in college.
- Learn what courses colleges want you to take in high school
-Jumpstart your college planning by reading about majors and careers.
-Use College Search to find colleges with the right characteristics.
*Start Thinking about Financial Aid
- Get educated about the Financial Aid process and begin looking into scholarship possibilities through free search sites like fastweb.com and meritaid.com.
- Talk to your counselor about your college plans and attend college night and
financial aid night at your school.
- Use financial aid calculators to estimate your aid eligibility and college costs.
*Take advantage of other learning experiences
-Look into Enrichment Opportunities at colleges and universities to help you discover your "inner
leader" or just for fun.
Parents can get involved in the process too! Learn how you can help your junior stay on track.
Junior Parent Timeline
Money for college - Begin to earn it now....
Your Junior year is a great time to continue (or start) working on your community service hours for the Onslow County SAT Scholarship. Lots of volunteer opportunities are available in our area. Click here to see a complete list of all the agencies approved by the scholarship committee
As you work on community service hours, you can begin developing your Student Activities Resume' that you will need for college applications and letters of recommendation . Get it started now - life will be easier for you next year!
More resources to get you started:
A great resource for questions you my have about college (provided by The College Board)