School Counselors assist students with positive development in the three domains of Academic, Career, & Personal/Social concerns. It is our goal to assist all students in successfully transitioning into high school and from high school into college, the workforce, or the U.S. Armed Forces.
You have the options; let us help you make the right choices!
Graduation Requirements
Promotion Requirements
Parent/Teacher Conferences
Four-Year Graduation Plans
Academic Advising & Course Selection
Enrichment Programs (Governor's School, Summer Ventures, and more!)
SAT, ACT, & PSAT Registration
Career & College Promise (Dual Enrollment)
NC Virtual Public School
Plato Course Recovery
College/Leadership Field Trips
Academic-based Classroom Guidance
College Planning
Career Exploration Activities
Futures 4 Kids
ASVAB Testing
College Recommendations
Financial Aid for College
Scholarships for College
Military Recruitment Information
Parent Informational Meetings
Resume Construction
Career-based Classroom Guidance
Individual Counseling
Peer Mediation/Conflict Resolution
Transitioning to High School
Suicide Assessment
Attendance Concerns
Crisis Intervention
Community Agency Referrals
Homebound Program
Time Management
Stress Management
Anger Management
Test Anxiety Strategies
Grief Support
Classroom Guidance
Confidentiality means that the privacy of information that students share with counselors belongs to the students. Counselors recognize the legal rights and responsibilities of parents in doing what is in the best interest of the children.
Exceptions to Confidentiality
Students should know that there are exceptions where counselors are obligated to break confidentiality, including potential harm of the student or someone else, state laws that mandate reporting of child abuse, or a court of law that requires testimony or student records.
Counselors occasionally consult with other school professionals, but in such cases only information necessary to achieving the goals of the conference will be be shared. In addition, counselors may keep informal notes regarding conferences.