Follow Swansboro Athletics
Twitter: @SBHS_Pirates
Facebook/Instagram: Swansboro Athletics
Contact Swansboro's Athletic Directors
Kim Miller - kim.miller@onslow.k12.nc.us
910-455-2211 x35025
Brett McFarland - robert.mcfarland@onslow.k12.nc.us
910-455-2211 x35033
General Athletics Information
All sports admission prices will be $8.00.
Tickets can be purchased at the gate or online (a convenience fee will be applied for online tickets $0.50) off the school website.
Century Club Contracts
Century Club (Athletic Boosters) Contracts can be purchased for the year. Tickets are good at any Swansboro High or Swansboro Middle School home games for the entire year. The money raised from contract sales has helped both the high and middle school with necessary upgrades to facilities. At the high school, some of the money raised this year helped to paint the high school gym (the first time it has been painted since it was built), replace the sound system in the gym, provide a pressbox for the softball field, and helped with field maintenance on baseball, softball and football/soccer fields.
The cost of admission to all high school events at Swansboro High is now $8.00. This is a bargain, especially if you attend events throughout the school year!
Cost: 1 Ticket is $150.00 ; 2 Tickets is $250.00 ; 3 Tickets are $300.00 ; 4 Tickets are $375.00; 5 Tickets are $450.00 ; 6 Tickets are $525.00.
Contact Coach McFarland, Coach Miller or the Main Office to purchase a contract. Contracts can also be purchased online. See announcement on SBHS Home web page under Good New Spotlight to fill out the form and pay with Venmo.